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Rights and Responsibilities

Turning to the Canadian pharmacy, the client can count on quality service and the provision of not only the necessary medicines but also basic counseling. In turn, both the customer side and the business side have their own rights and responsibilities. It is important to know and understand them in order to avoid disputes and conflicts. Besides, such knowledge will never be superfluous.

Customer rights in the pharmacy

When customers go to the pharmacy, they get high-quality medications. The products provided are original, and the expiration date is checked in advance by the staff before sale. In addition, all medicines have been certified and have undergone the necessary checks, which is very important. 

If your request is for Viagra from Canada or any other drug, then you will get it quickly from the counselor. Strict confidentiality and data protection are observed, as stipulated by the current legislation. 

If you need a specific type of drug, you can get advice within the pharmacist’s area of expertise. When you buy generic Viagra, you can ask anything you are interested in about its use and features. Additional information is also worth researching before and after the purchase.

Pharmacy’s rights

The pharmacy respects its rights as a business organization. In its turn, it has the right to conduct legitimate business activities. Equally important is the respect of copyrights and intellectual property. In rare cases, a pharmacy may refuse service if there is a risk of violating pharmacy policy and the law. 

In general, the main responsibilities of the pharmacy are to provide quality drugs and pleasant service. In order to keep the customer happy, the pharmacy is staffed by professionals with appropriate education and ethical standards. Therefore, everyone can buy what they need and get the desired results after a certain time.