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Eye health maintaining

On the basis of our pharmacy, we also provide an examination of the retinal periphery with a Goldmann lens. A study with a Goldmann lens is prescribed to check those areas of the retina that are inaccessible with other methods of examining the fundus.

In pregnant women with myopia, this method is necessary to determine retinal contraindications for physiological childbirth. Timely identification (before 30 weeks of pregnancy) and cure of retinal pathology in pregnant women allows many of them to give birth without a cesarean section. The examination should be carried out before 30 weeks of pregnancy.

An examination with a Goldmann lens is a necessary study in patients with diabetes and should be carried out immediately after the diagnosis of the visual retina; in the absence of significant changes in the future, it is sufficient to check the condition of the fundus once every six months. The method is contact (a lens is placed against the eye), the study is carried out after medicinal (using special eye drops) dilation of the pupils, so the following rules should be observed:

  1. Have sufficient time (the study lasts on average about 30–35 minutes, depending on the individual pupil dilation time);
  2. You should come for the study without contact lenses or cosmetics;
  3. Driving a car after examining the periphery of the fundus with a Goldmann lens is impossible (wide pupil) for 6–12 hours;
  4. On a sunny day, it is advisable to have sunglasses with you;
  5. Within 4–6 hours after the pupils dilate, reading and writing are difficult;
  6. After the examination, it is better to use spectacle correction during the day; if necessary, put on contact lenses no earlier than after 20–30 minutes. after inspection.

Also, in our pharmacies we provide visual acuity testing services, consultations on the selection of lenses and glasses. Comprehensive diagnostics for an accurate and complete eye examination include more than 10 procedures. We determine refraction, visual acuity and field, the condition of the cornea and fundus, intraocular pressure and other indicators. You can also undergo random examinations, depending on your personal needs.

We have created a comfortable environment for patients. To conduct research, specialists use test tables, a biomicroscope, an electronic tonometer, a computer refractometer, ultrasound equipment, etc. Some studies are carried out twice — with a normal and dilated pupil (after drops). All manipulations are painless, but may cause minor discomfort.

After collecting all the data, the doctor gives advice, talks about the identified problems and suggests methods to eliminate them. The specialist may prescribe a repeat examination to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.